Design application
Application for design is filed at the official industrial property office, in Norway Patentstyret, optionally assisted by an industrial property law firm, such as Curo AS. The application form must be accompanied by a sufficient visual illustration of the design subject.
Application requirements
According to the design code, a “design” is the look of a product or a part of a product followed by the characterizing features of the lines, contours, colors, shapes, structure or material of the product or product ornament.
Handling of application
A design application is handled by an officer at the Patent Office. According to the design code of May 1, 2003, the handling only involves reality checks; the application is not examined with regard to novelty. The formality check involves classification, quality and number of illustrations, and other formal requirements.
Applying abroad
A design application forms basis for design registration in numerous countries. In accordance with an international convention, it is possible to postpone filing in other countries until 6 months from the first filing date without losing rights.