


Street address: Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 Tiller

Postal address: Vestre Rosten 81, 7075 Tiller

Phone: +47 7285 7300
Telefax: +47 7285 7301

E-mail: curo@curo.no


Street address: Gunnar Randers vei 24, 2007 Kjeller

Postal address: P.O. Box 71, 2027 Kjeller

Phone: +47 7285 7310
Telefax: +47 7285 7301

E-mail: curo@curo.no


We have no regular office in Ålesund, but may attend to a meeting according to an appointment. Call +47 7285 7300 or send an e-mail to curo@curo.no whereupon we can suggest time and place for a meeting. We may also drop in for a visit at your location.

Contact us

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